video installation / 04'10'' loop / 2006

The work is mainly inspired by different aspects of our daily life. These images are produced so that the viewers soak them up, or identify with what they see, in one way or another. The use of pictograms is the result of the desire to express things in an accessible, global language. On the other hand, flat forms correspond to a fairly particular mood, one’s that’s been making itself felt in me for a while. Every now and again I get the impression everything is increasingly looking the same. Daily life, our pleasures, our dreams even our illusions are becoming identical in a pretty strange way. Man is « growing homogenized » and life’s differences, which are quite real, are translated by a single dimension, one constant and flat.

Installation view / centre d'art contemporain / Geneva / 2006

Installation view / centre d'art contemporain / Geneva / 2006

signs (video sample) / video / 04’10’’ animation loop / 2006